Lovely Trocadéro
This morning i browse for some music and find this... "Trocadero" by Potret.
Simple yet romantic it is, ada di album Potret II yang covernya bergaya klasik. First, you'll hear it in Indonesian, sung by Melly [a genius in music i presume], then someone translated it into french. As you know - and everybody does think that way i guess - French is a romantic language, which make this song, as i said previously, simple yet romantic.
"Ingat dulu, setahun sudah berlalu
awal yang indah musim panas di Paris
tempat kenangan indah di Trocadéro
merah warna sore di kota cinta
suara musik meiring hati senang
alunan lagu romantis di Trocadéro
Satu masa indah
yang tak pernah hilang di dalam ingatanku
tempat pertama hatiku terpaut dengannya di Trocadéro"
"Rouge, de la couleur
la ballade dans la cite de l'amour
le son de la musique accompagne un coeur heureux
de balancement d'une chanson romantique du Trocadéro"
Sebenernya gue nyari2 lagu ini udah lama. Dulu.. dulu bgt gue pernah denger lagu ini, once.. maybe twice, n langsung jatuh cinta! itu dulu. Sekarang, stelah ada yang namanya MP3 [thank God!] gue bisa menemukan lagu ini [kembali]. Kata pepatah: "klo jodoh ga bakal lari kemana..." hehehe nyambung ga sih?
BTW, gue juga bisa menulis bahasa prancisnya di sini berkat jasanya mbak Farah [uhuy] yang jago bgt prancisnya - yeah, she can speak several languages, wooot!!! Tadi tuh gue udah nyari mati2an lirik "Trocadero" but i can't find it anywhere! akhirnya, gue mbujuk2 mbak farah buat nulis'in liriknya yang prancis heheheh...
Omong2 soal Trocadero nie... this place is nice, so damn crowded in summer - that's what mbak farah said. Let me paste something from yahoo travel...
"Spread over a total of ten hectares, the Trocadero gardens stretch from the Palais de Chaillot to the Seine and the Eiffel Tower. A pond surrounded by an array of stone and gilded bronze statues and fountains forms a delightful centre piece. Rollerblade enthusiasts meet here to practice in the midst of this harmony, weaving their way past surprised onlookers and lovers clasped in a warm embrace. Although this is a pleasant place, the rollerbladers' presence tends to spoil the gardens' tranquility, making them a lot less peaceful than the Tuileries gardens, for example. However the view you get from here of the Eiffel Tower (especially at night, when it's lit up) and over the Palais de Chaillot more than makes up for this, giving these gardens their own special charm."
Guess it's wonderfullll! I've been to Paris once, last year, but i was sick [damn!]. Hope i can go there again, if i have the money of course! For now, well, i can dream ;)
Simple yet romantic it is, ada di album Potret II yang covernya bergaya klasik. First, you'll hear it in Indonesian, sung by Melly [a genius in music i presume], then someone translated it into french. As you know - and everybody does think that way i guess - French is a romantic language, which make this song, as i said previously, simple yet romantic.
"Ingat dulu, setahun sudah berlalu
awal yang indah musim panas di Paris
tempat kenangan indah di Trocadéro
merah warna sore di kota cinta
suara musik meiring hati senang
alunan lagu romantis di Trocadéro
Satu masa indah
yang tak pernah hilang di dalam ingatanku
tempat pertama hatiku terpaut dengannya di Trocadéro"
"Rouge, de la couleur
la ballade dans la cite de l'amour
le son de la musique accompagne un coeur heureux
de balancement d'une chanson romantique du Trocadéro"
Sebenernya gue nyari2 lagu ini udah lama. Dulu.. dulu bgt gue pernah denger lagu ini, once.. maybe twice, n langsung jatuh cinta! itu dulu. Sekarang, stelah ada yang namanya MP3 [thank God!] gue bisa menemukan lagu ini [kembali]. Kata pepatah: "klo jodoh ga bakal lari kemana..." hehehe nyambung ga sih?
BTW, gue juga bisa menulis bahasa prancisnya di sini berkat jasanya mbak Farah [uhuy] yang jago bgt prancisnya - yeah, she can speak several languages, wooot!!! Tadi tuh gue udah nyari mati2an lirik "Trocadero" but i can't find it anywhere! akhirnya, gue mbujuk2 mbak farah buat nulis'in liriknya yang prancis heheheh...
Omong2 soal Trocadero nie... this place is nice, so damn crowded in summer - that's what mbak farah said. Let me paste something from yahoo travel...
"Spread over a total of ten hectares, the Trocadero gardens stretch from the Palais de Chaillot to the Seine and the Eiffel Tower. A pond surrounded by an array of stone and gilded bronze statues and fountains forms a delightful centre piece. Rollerblade enthusiasts meet here to practice in the midst of this harmony, weaving their way past surprised onlookers and lovers clasped in a warm embrace. Although this is a pleasant place, the rollerbladers' presence tends to spoil the gardens' tranquility, making them a lot less peaceful than the Tuileries gardens, for example. However the view you get from here of the Eiffel Tower (especially at night, when it's lit up) and over the Palais de Chaillot more than makes up for this, giving these gardens their own special charm."
Guess it's wonderfullll! I've been to Paris once, last year, but i was sick [damn!]. Hope i can go there again, if i have the money of course! For now, well, i can dream ;)
Labels: daydreaming, inspiration, lyric, music
aku Arie aku lagi butuh lagu itu (trocadero of course). aku bisa minta tolong di share dong lagunya.dalam format mp3 yang di rar tentunya.
bisa gak yah ??
btw thx
wahh... mantap, ada lyricnya trocadero..
saya salah satu fansnya Melly.
salam kenal yah..
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