Friday, August 28, 2009

reborn, anew

i am over with promises
hope and dreams of beautiful things
ashes to my eyes

emptiness is here in my hand
emptiness is what i see ahead
for i can't name this feeling
surrounding me indefinitely

give me a poison
i can take for us both
i shall die and shall be reborn
made of summer song and morning dew

all anew

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ramadhan. Loh kok loyo?

Ramadhan, bulan puasa bagi yang menunaikannya.
Bulan penuh rahmat, bulan penuh berkah melimpah.

Sekarang, saya mau melihat makna "puasa" dari kacamata saya pribadi. Saya, yang adalah seorang awam, dan juga seorang non-muslim. Ini murni pendapat pribadi loh, kalau ada yang yang tidak setuju... mohon saya diberitahu.

* "Puasa" sebagai alasan untuk malas-malasan
Selama bulan puasa, bisa-bisa kinerja perusahaan berkurang karena banyak karyawannya yang malas-malasan. Puasa kok males? Lah apa gunanya puasa? Apalagi yang malas-malasan itu orang-orang yang bekerja di kantoran. Duh, bagaimana bangsa ini mau maju...

* "Puasa" sebagai alasan untuk pulang cepat
Baru jam 4 sore.. kok sudah kabur semua? Cek saja, beberapa instansi tertentu akan amat sangat dihubungi kalau sudah bulan puasa. Jam 3 atau jam 4 sore personilnya kebanyakan sudah menghilang. Gak produktif donk?

* Buka puasa kok makannya malah jadi rakus?
Ini mau buka puasa dalam artian bersyukur atau mau show off? Segala macam makanan kemudian dilahap. Mulai dari kolak, cendol, bubur biji salak, teh botol, jajanan pasar, belum lagi makanan hidangan utama macam rendang, opor, dll... lalu ditutup oleh sirup buah. Yeh... ini mah masih bulan puasa.. belom Lebaran cuy! Mending juga itu makanan dibagi-bagi ke orang yang susah makan. Buka puasa kan gak harus lebay juga makanannya. Ya toch? Ataukah ini bukti orang-orang Indonesia gampang termakan oleh iklan tv? Semua makanan harus dijajal.

* Buka puasa = mal-mal penuh sesak, termasuk mushollanya
Iya lah! Orang-orang sibuk pulang kantor, beribadah di musholla mall, lalu lanjut buka puasa di mall sambil cuci mata. Begitulah gaya orang-orang kota hahaha

* Buka puasa = ruas jalan tertentu ploooong!
Mantaaaf! Ini dia yang paling oke pada saat bulan puasa. Berhubung banyak orang yang berusaha pulang cepat (sebelum jam 5) untuk buka puasa di tempat-tempat tertentu, atau baru pulang setelah buka puasa (setelah jam 7) ~ tentu saja hal ini tidak berlaku klo terjadi Act of God macam gempa beberapa hari yang lalu...

Apapun motifnya, yang pasti puasa itu baik.
Menahan lapar, dahaga, nafsu, dan yang paling penting... amarah.

Selamat berpuasa teman2!

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Apply Visa? gampang-gampang pusing!

Mau ke luar kota? tinggal jalan!
Mau ke luar negeri? tinggal jalan!
Eits! Tunggu dulu. Orang Indonesia gak bisa seenak jidat mau lenggang kaki di negara lain, Bung! Ada aturannya...

Kudu pake VISA!
Buset apaan tuh?
Beginilah bentuknya kira-kira...

Contoh Visa Schengen - untuk Eropa

Kalau kamu pergi dengan tour-tour tertentu (misalkan: Paket Jelajah Eropa 20 hari-20 malam) sih tidak masalah. Cukup bayar sekali, berikan dokumen yang diperlukan ke travel agency... sisanya mereka yang akan urus.

tapi kalau harus urus sendiri... kira-kira beginilah step2nya!

Contoh: applikasi visa Schengen ke Eropa.

Entry point: The Netherlands (Belanda)
-- Info-info ini banyak diambil dari websitenya kedutaan.

1. Buat janji dengan kedutaan

Waktu buka loket: Senin - Jumat dari pkl. 09.00 - 12.00.
Sebelum mengajukan permohonan visa anda HARUS membuat janji terlebih dahulu lewat telpon atau e-mail. Tanpa janji, permohonan visa pada dasarnya tidak dapat ditangani.
Ajukan permohonan visa jauh hari sebelumnya! Permohonan visa dapat diajukan maksimal 3 bulan sebelum tanggal keberangkatan. Sehubungan dengan waktu memproses visa, pembuatan janji harus dilakukan PALING LAMBAT 2 minggu sebelum tanggal keberangkatan, kalau tidak maka visa Schengen tidak dapat diberikan tepat pada waktunya.

Sehubungan dengan banyaknya permohonan yang masuk kedatangan Anda hanya dapat diterima setelah ada janji melalui telepon 021-5271904 dengan menyebutkan nama, nomor telepon dan nomor paspor. Permohonan harus disampaikan oleh yang bersangkutan sendiri, permohonan yang disampaikan melalui pihak ketiga atau melalui jasa pos tidak akan ditangani.

Jika mencari informasi silakan hubungi 021-5248200 pada hari Senin s/d Kamis pada pukul 13.00-15.00 dan pada hari Jum’at pada pukul 12.00-13.30.

Instruksi Schengen menentukan bahwa semua permohonan visa dari pemegang paspor Indonesia harus dikonsultasikan dengan semua ibukota negara Schengen yang berjumlah 24. Karena itulah visa paling cepat dapat diberikan setelah 10 hari kerja, terhitung dari tanggal permohonan diajukan. Permohonan yang diajukan melalui Konsulat atau Petugas Konsuler tentu agak lebih lama karena harus dikirimkan ke Jakarta. Namun keuntungannya adalah bahwa Anda tidak perlu dua kali datang ke Jakarta.

Contoh kasus:
Saya baru menelpon kedutaan untuk visa application appointment pada tgl 19 Agustus dikarenakan ketidakpastian tanggal keberangkatan. Setelah saya mengetahui tanggal keberangkatan saya adalah 11 September, barulah saya membuat janji. Awalnya, kedutaan memberi saya slot untuk tanggal 31 Agustus (mepet sekali!)... namun akhirnya saya bisa dimasukkan ke slot tgl 27 Agustus. Apabila lancar dan visa disetujui, diharapkan visa akan dapat diambil tgl 10 September, which is very close to my departure date! A little crazy xD

2. Lengkapi dokumen

Dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan: (BANYAK LOH!)
* Pas foto ukuran 4x6, berwarna (1)
* Fotokopi akta kelahiran (1)
* Fotokopi kartu keluarga (1)
* Fotokopi KTP (1)
* Fotokopi kartu pelajar atau kartu mahasiswa (1) - apabila seorang student
* Surat keterangan bekerja dari perusahaan - apabila seorang pegawai
Dokumen-dokumen tersebut merupakan bukti bahwa kamu benar WNI yang sah.
* Paspor yang berlaku setidaknya 6 bulan + fotokopi (1)
Apabila memiliki paspor sebelumnya yang menyatakan bahwa kamu pernah mengunjungi negara yang akan memberikan visa, berikan saja. Plus fotokopinya.
* Print-out booking return tiket dari travel agency (perjalanan tidak lebih dari 3 bulan)
Ini sebagai tanda bahwa kamu sudah dijamin akan kembali ke Indonesia setelah masa visa berakhir.
* Bukti booking hotel di negara tujuan
Ini sebagai tanda bahwa kamu sudah memiliki akomodasi di negara tujuan.
* Fotokopi buku bank selama 3 bulan terakhir (1). Sebaiknya kamu setidaknya memiliki "cukup" uang di buku bank tersebut...
Ini sebagai bukti bahwa kamu bisa makan dan hidup, gak bakalan luntang-lantung dan menjadi imigran gelap di negara tujuan!
* Bukti asuransi perjalanan dan kecelakaan untuk wilayah Schengen. Polis asuransi harus kamu tunjukkan pada saat pengambilan visa.

Selain itu, ada juga dokumen yang harus diisi di kedutaan/konsuler:
* formulir permohonan visa, diisi dengan lengkap dan ditandatangani oleh pemohon.
* jadwal perjalanan (Lembar Perjalanan), diisi lengkap dan ditandatangani oleh pemohon.
* Surat pernyataan (telah menyetujui persyaratan) diisi dengan lengkap dan ditandatangani.

Dokumen-dokumen tambahan!!
untuk kunjungan pribadi:
* (jika menginap di rumah orang) undangan dimana tanda tangan pihak yang mengundang dilegalisasi oleh pemerintah kota madya (gemeente);
* (jika menginap di hotel) booking hotel yang telah dikonfirmasi dan/atau bukti lunas pembayaran hotel untuk seluruh periode;
* (jika menggunakan sponsor di Negeri Belanda) pernyataan jaminan dari sponsor (formulir dapat diperoleh di Balai Kota) dan bukti keuangan mencukupi dari sponsor (kopi slip gaji dan/atau statement bank yang mencantumkan gaji). Pernyataan jaminan hanya berlaku dalam 3 bulan sejak dikeluarkan dan harus dilegalisasi oleh pemerintah kota madya (gemeente) tempat tinggal pihak yang mengundang. N.B. Jika yang mengundang bukan warganegara Belanda kopi Surat Izin Tinggal juga harus dilampirkan.

untuk kunjungan bisnis:
* undangan dari perusahaan di Negeri Belanda;
* bukti adanya kontak bisnis;
* booking hotel yang telah dikonfirmasi dan/atau tanda lunas pembayaran hotel untuk seluruh periode kunjungan;
* profil perusahaan (perusahaan pihak pemohon);
* statement bank 3 bulan terakhir dari perusahaan pemohon.

untuk pengobatan:
* surat dari dokter yang menangani di Indonesia;
* surat dari dokter/rumah sakit yang menangani di Negeri Belanda;
* tanda bukti asuransi kesehatan atau tanda bukti pembayaran pengobatan.

Untuk anak di bawah umur...
Jika seorang anak di bawah umur mengadakan perjalanan sendiri atau dengan salah satu orang tuanya, maka perlu ada izin dari kedua orang tua c.q. salah satu orang tua (Bapak atau Ibu). Tanda tangan orang tua harus dilegalisir (legalisasi dapat dilakukan di kantor notaris. Tanda tangan di atas meterai Rp. 6.000 tidak diterima.)

3. Pembayaran
Harga visa: €60 atau 839,000 IDR
Mahal ya? Harga berbeda-beda, tergantung kebijakan negara tersebut.
Jika permohonan visa ditolak uang yang telah dibayarkan tidak akan dikembalikan.

4. Wait and see... Let's hope for the best! ;)

- - -
Wilayah Schengen!

Semua orang wajib visa yang ingin mengunjungi Wilayah Schengen untuk urusan bisnis atau urusan pribadi dapat mengajukan permohonan mendapatkan visa kunjungan singkat 1 - 90 hari yang berlaku bagi ke-24 negara anggota Schengen. Visa Schengen berlaku untuk negara-negara yang disebut di bawah ini:
* Austria * Belanda * Belgia * Ceko * Denmark * Estonia * Finlandia * Hungaria * Islandia
* Italia * Jerman * Latvia * Lituania * Luksemburg * Malta * Norwegia * Perancis
* Polandia * Portugal * Slovakia * Slovenia * Spanyol * Swedia * Yunani * Swiss

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Ujung Genteng: an Adventure!

Ujung Genteng, again! (this time, with updated information)

Kali ini saya bertualang bersama sahabat-sahabat saya, para wanita-wanita gahar dan tentengannya masing-masing, dalam rangka liburan 17agustus-an. Teman-teman Bogor sayangnya gak bisa ikutan.

Seru ga? Ya SERU lah. Wong kita berletih-letih ria beriringan naik motor dari Jakarta/Karawaci - Bogor - Ujung Genteng. Ck & Rb, Z & Alx, saya & Ari. Maklum lah, cuma saya dan Ari yang masih single dan tidak berhasil membawa tentengan :P Modal NEKAT pokoknya! Saya gak bisa naek motor, jadilah Ari yang jadi sang pengendara. Acungi jempol buat Ari! TOP MARKOTOP! Lala & Jose menyusul kami sehari kemudian dengan mobil. Jose juga mantaf saat harus naik motor :D

ck - lala - val - ari - zee
with those silly headbands we girls look like
farmers going fishing LOL

Jakarta - Ujung Genteng is approximately 200km away (one-way trip), with a crazy landscape: the road goes up and down, lots of twist and turns, blind turning points, cliff on the side of the road, and the thick morning fog will limit your eyesight till only 1-2 meters before you.

Interesting, right?

I suggest you to go there (if you go from Jakarta/Bogor) by midnight - either by car, or by bikes. So then you will find the road less crowded, less buses and big trucks - they often slow down your journey a lot. Then you will get there around 6-7 am. Well, that arrival time depends on your speed, your breaks(you should rest - and eat/drink, and pee - sometimes), and your willingness to ride in the dark cold night! ;)

The sooner you get to UGe, the merrier will you become... since the shinning sun and the glimpse of the blue sea will drawn you to forget your rest and go straight to the beach!

Since UGe is getting more and more commercial for local tourists and also for photographers (believe me, the place has great landscapes), the local people start charging for entrance fees. We need to, at least, give 2 times entrance fee. Anyway, it's not that much. The lodging and the "ojek" fee are also higher than last year. Pfff... tourists also need to be aware that the shops (warungs) sometimes charge you even more.

* Entrance fee = 3000-5000 IDR per person/bike/car.
Depends on how big your group is.

* Transportation = 120,000 IDR per 1x "OJEK" (guide + bike) ride to Ombak Tujuh.
You NEED guide to go there. Even my friends who have been to UGe 20x still need to use that guide. They are nice people and they come in very handy.

* Accomodation = free (if you sleep on your tent/car), 450,000 IDR per night (local people's house, depend on how big the house) - 1,000,000 IDR or more (they have villas, too).
If you travel with a big group and want some new experience, try living in local people's houses. Usually, the place is clean, have several beds, and the owner does not bother how many people should fit in one house.
Example: your group consist 10 people. If all stay in one house, then it's only 45,000 IDR per person per night. Dude, that's cheap.

* Attractions = BEACHES! for FREE!
There are lots of nice beaches there. Start from Cibuaya, Pangumbahan, Panarikan, Cikepuh, and of course Ombak Tujuh ("Seven Waves" beach). Why does it being called Ombak Tujuh? I shall not spoil the details here. You should see it for yourself.
UGe is also a home for sea turtles. You can see them mostly on full moon period. To get into the sea turtle are, you will need to give a little entrance fee.
If you love fishing, then bring your fishing equipments along ;)

* Apparels = Swim suit and summery clothes!
Remember to bring your swim suit and goggle. Well, at least me and my friends always go around swimming, not only taking pictures. I also recommend to bring one-piece clothes that's thin and easy to dry, short pants and tank tops, hat or whatever to cover your head from the heat (heat can make you go dizzy the whole day, not good). Forget not to use sunblock. Have yourself a nice evenly applied tanned skin :)


Why you SHOULDN'T GO to Ujung Genteng?

* Because you (I refer to girls with pretty hairs and pretty skins and pretty faces) will get soooo TANNED
(FYI, being tan is not popular for Indonesian girls) . and sometimes, excruciating SUNBURNS! I mean, if you go to the beach, you should go home with beautiful tanned skin. If you use you big hat and long sleeves shirt all the time, you better be at home watching tv.

* Because you will get CUTS! Lots of CUTS! On your hands, your fingers, your feet, your thighs, your calves, your arms, and sometimes - when you get lucky - your face. The road to Ombak Tujuh is not only a bumpy ride, it shall also be a dry-branches-and-trees-and-reeds-sweeping-your-body-all-the-time ride :) i love it! The CUTS can also caused by corals. You know, when-you-swim-and-the-wave-sweeps-you-and-you-hit-the-coral kind of cuts :)
Hehe.. One should at least have 1 bleeding cut as a solid proof that he/she has been to UGe! Well, that's only my opinion.

* Because you will be super exhausted! Cmon, going there is exhausting enough (this only applies to those who rides by themselves). Then going to the beaches. Then not having enough sleep. If you sweat all the little things, you better be on your bed with your air co.

For me and my friends? We don't care. The sunburns, the cuts, the exhaustions - it's all worthy! Hopefully we can go to UGe at least once a year.

More pictures? Soon!!

Read my previous UGe trip:
UGe: The After-Effect

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Jogjakarta: 1000 Days Later

I arrived in Tugu Train Station at 5.30 am that Saturday morning after spending approximately 9 hours journey from Jakarta. An encouragement hug was given by B before my train left - i needed that.

The air was cool and crisp. I heard language and accent familiar to my ear, offering foods, snacks and transport. Once you're in Jogja, it's a must for you to ride on a Becak (tricycle traditional transport) and just feel the air touches your face.

Usually, Lusy has already stood by, ready to pick me up. But since she's back to her hometown, i prefer to stay a little longer at the station. An hour afterward, my aunt and uncle also arrived from Jakarta. The family from my father side gathered in Jogja for the 1000 days commemoration of my father's pass. After a cup of coffee with my aunt and uncle, which i think they didn't really enjoy that much, i decided to stay and wandered around the city by myself. I have no good reason to go straight to my father's old place anyway.

I met up with a good old friend from college, Beni, the very same morning. He took my red flowery backpack so that i can walk lighty around the city. It was too early to stroll in Malioboro, it was only 8.00 am. That was the time when i spotted that Trans Jogja bus shelter in front of Inna Garuda hotel. "Let's try on this!" i said to myself. Minutes later, I was nicely seated inside Trans Jogja bus, heading towards Ambarukmo Mall.

After some killing time at AmPlaz (i heard AmPlaz, i reckon Ambon Plaza), rummaging about shoes and reminicsing the joy of high school every time i saw group of girls wearing tartan blue skirt and oversized shirt (that's Stella Duce's uniform for Friday and Saturday) - I was picked up by Beni and Vina, his fiancee. Together, we went to Solo to Ardy-Nita's wedding reception.

Funny, I was the only one who showed up single. Funny for other people, i suppose. Unknowingly (or rather, dumbly) talking about how pitty one was for one person in front of that person as if that person is not exist is not acceptable. What a strength, i only needed to endure such gazes for 3 hours.

I went straight to my father's old place (as for now, i'm gonna refer to it as grandpa's) later that night. I arrived at midnight, in a familiar house, a house i used to know. They (my uncle's family who lived there with my grandpa) have built some new extensions to the house. Blah, i guess they have money after all. I greeted my family there, then greeted my mom (she's been in Jogja for 2 days), then forget about everything else.

The House

I slept deep for 4-5 hours. The cracking sound of incoming family members woke me up, lazily. They really got what it took to bug other people peace! They shouted louder than those barking dogs.

That warm day, I saw my father's sanctuary. It's made from shinny black marmer with a small white/gold Italian-made cross on the headrest. I looked closer, I saw the mistake carvings on the information tablet. They wrote May 20 as my father birth date... when in fact, it's August 29. Want to hear some funny stuff? They blamed my Mom for their own mistake! They said my Mom was the one who gave such information, yelled at her in front of people - I was not there at the time.

The following day was SSDD. Same Shit Different Day. We served foods and snacks to people. We held a commemoration mass. I worked and helped people out like zombie. As soon as people left, i wiped my smile out of my face. I only got mellow and heartbroken when i saw my Mom's crying in the dark beside my father's tomb later that night. So much love, so much pain. At last, my job with all "commemoration" fuss... was done.

I took my mother and my little sister for a trip on Tuesday. We rarely have a holiday together, so i took the moment to get them to Prambanan Temple and Kraton Ratu Boko ruins (still, with Trans Jogja). We ate lunch at Kedai Cobek at AmPlaz, a must-try restaurant in my opinion. My mom's appetite was hillarious!! SHE ATE A LOT, like she has not been feed for a week (which was quite close to the truth). Then we had a near-fire experience while browsing for shoes! hahaha thin smokes coming out from nowhere... it was a "kortsluit". at Malioboro Mall was my next stop. I met Jenny and Inov, my former high school friends :) They looked just just the same; just add hair length and hair colour. Bitching around, talking in Javanese language for 4 hours were fun hehe though i have to admit i am more comfortable talking in Bahasa or in English. Javanese need some extra effort, you know. We jumped to a 50,000 IDR worth taxi ride as soon as the mall closed. My mom was so tired walking the whole day.

I took my mom and my sister the next day to eat Gudeg Bu Wiwik at Wijilan, before my flight. The price for a portion of Gudeg + chicken + egg - 25,000 IDR - was quite epensive compared to other (that's according to C) but the taste was "oh so original!" Gudeg, which is made from jackfruit added with spices etc., can be extremely sweet for first-timers :) but that's how food is usually made in Jogja, sweet. One should combine the "gudeg" with the "krecek", one of it's spicy side dish. Accompany your food with tea, then you are officially in Jogja!

I met Beni and Vina again before i left. They helped me to get to Trans Jogja, heading to airport. My backpack was filled with dirty clothes, my belly filled with gudeg, my other bag filled with Bakpia Bu Sri Putri (my favourite "bakpia" brand) for friends and collega. I dragged my exhausted body to the airplane. Will be home any minute now.

I kissed my grandpa and my father goodbye, hoping to see them soon.
For what it's worth... I love Jogja, I will always love Jogja.

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Friday, August 07, 2009

Jogjakarta: Preparation

I will go to Jogjakarta tonight, by train: Taksaka 20.45 pm.

A part of me is upset because i cannot go to Java Rockin' Land 2009 with Zee and Ari T.T
A part of me is a little excited, because i haven't been to Jogja for almost 2 years now!
However, in the midst of all the excitement, i am still upset because my best friend Lusy is currently not in Jogja. Meaning: I will be missing a companion, a free ride, and free lodging! :P *spoiled*

I only pack some clothes and will only carry a bag pack. The rest of my clothing is already brought by my mom and sister. Both my mom and my sister left for Jogja yesterday morning :)

Anyway, since Lusy will not be around, I decided to have a look at Trans Jogja. Trans Jogja is a bus network that covers Jogjakarta city and its surrounding area. The network itself is quite new, for about 1-1,5 year now. Last time i went to Jogja, it was still building bus shelters.

Please have a look below :)

>> Trans Jogja Route <<
For detail information per route, click here.

Trans Jogja also goes around to the airport (Adisucipto) and the railway statiun (Tugu) so it is easy for tourists or traveller to access. Cheap, too. Only IDR 3000 per ride, approximatelly 10 cents for foreigners hehehe (yeah, if you want to compare it to a single bus ride in other countries). I remember my high school bus ride in Jogja 7 years ago (Wow, 7 years ago!!!), the fee was only IDR 150... freakin cheap! and I was used to hang to the side pole of the bus with my skirt blown whenever the bus was too full.

Back to Trans Jogja. So i've printed the map! They say that we can also get the map there, but better be prepared right ;) Be ready for my next journal.

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Wednesday, August 05, 2009

"Take care now"

Grey Anatomy Season 5 Episode 21: Not Good at Saying Sorry

Hunt: ... I didn't do anything wrong today. I treated you like i would anyone else.

Yang: No. Not like anyone else! "Take care now"? what is that?
What are you - like, you know - happy now?
What are you? You know, just a "choke 'em and forget 'em" kinda guy?

Hunt exhaled and handed a paper to Yang

Yang: "Hey there now, take care now, nice work yang." What is this?

Hunt: It's my shrink. My shrink gave me these sentences - we came up with them together. They're all 3-word sentences so i'd have to say to you instead of the 3 words that are... that are killing me. The 3 words that you know i feel but i can't say them, because it will be cruel to say them because i am no good for you.

I don't wanna torture you.
I don't want to look at you longingly when i know i can't be with you.
So yeah, I'm smiling and i'm saying "take care now".
I'm letting you off the hook. I'm trying - trying so hard to let you off the hook. I'm trying to make it right - what i did to you. Can't you see that? I'm just trying to make it right.

Yang, crying and heartbroken, handed the paper back to Hunt.

Yang: Take care now..

and she left.


why do i see myself in the scene again?

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