Monday, September 29, 2008

Lebaran ala Jakarta

Sudah mau lebaran. H-2 katanya.

Jalanan sepi mobil, tidak macet. Saya suka.

Jalanan sepi, angkot jarang, klopun ada nge-tem nya lama.
Alhasil ke kantor jadi ekstra kepanasan nungguin angkot. Saya tidak suka.

Orang-orang sibuk di dapur bikin ketupat, opor ayam, dll. Berbahagialah mereka yang suka...
Tapi buat saya sih biasa saja, wong saya tidak suka.

Orang-orang main petasan, kembang api, dll di jalanan. Bunyinya menyeramkan... Saya tidak suka *trauma*

Lebaran di Jakarta? Gak ngefek buat saya. Wong saya gak lebaran.
Saya juga gak bakalan di Jakarta pas Lebaran hahaha

Selamat Idul Fitri عيد الفطر teman-teman :)


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sweet Sweet Escape

Happy bday Bonk! muach muach!

Goldie just got back from her family trip to Israel. Saatnya minta jatah oleh2!
Mrs. Lentini is currently in Tokyo kyaaaaaa *eyes of jealousy* uhm second honeymoon, hun?
Zhu spent a great weekend in Sdyney. Good for you, girl!
Mrs. Voisine just gave birth to a cute baby girl last week; now staying in Sanur for a while before going back to Japan. Sita's officially a sexy mama now hehehe... will see you on November ;)
Ikatje looks happy with her life in Nederland. Good things will come your way hehe..
Cit just got back from Paris with a river-boat crash experience. Pff... thank God you're allrite! Now just wait and see about that job interview. Wish you luck, dear!
Bea called me last night. She will skip class for several days as her parents are coming. It'll be a good escape for you darling ;) You need this. Yeah i know, me too.

As for me, i'm hoping for a good escape next week with Ck & friends.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Public transport in Jakarta? Terrifying enough.

Everyday is a same thing horrible experience.
Especially when one is using public transportation.

I am talking about the traffic jam itself which is already a pain in the ass. Nor the "unlicensed" motorbikes running around like mad men if not being forced to obey road rules. Nor the un-manner pedestrians crossing the street as they like, walking as if the road is theirs alone.

I am talking about what happened in between - in cars, in buses, in "angkot"s. Specifically referring to public transportation, a mass of people - unknown origins, motives, and destinations - jumped in. They ride together, side by side with strangers. Some strangers are just common people, while some others are there to make a living. Make a living? Yes, by singing [which is very much acceptable], by selling stuffs [also acceptable], and by being a malicious criminal. Pickpockets, as they say, spreads on dense buses. For example: 213 - the bus i take almost every single day to work.

GOD protects me, i know. I know it since i've experience some quite terrifying rides... and survived it :)

Some maybe-somewhat-useful TIPS, esp. for girls who travel alone with public transportation:
  • Watch your bag at all time. Make sure that the zipperhead is located where you can see it.
  • Use bag with side pockets placed close to your body. There shall you put your coins and spare money for your ride - put it there beforehand. Therefore you are not going to unzip your bag and reveal whatever it is that you bring [tempting jewels, delicious wallet, or super expensive mobile phone] to foreigners.
  • Lose that cute innocent weak face and put on a "preman" face. As much as you can, do not show fear in your eyes when "odd" people approaches. Speak with clear and calm tone if needed. Being cute and innocent will not be very helpful in such situation.
  • Do not wear fancy jewels that will attract them pickpockets. Just put them on your bag, wear them when you get to your destination. Doh!
  • Have skills on martial arts will be a BIG advantage. hehe..
To be honest, if it is possible... I DO NOT RECOMMEND using public transports in Jakarta.
So girls... if you got the money, you should ride with your own vehicle, preferably car + driver [hmm... this is tricky, because drivers can be malicious too].
If you do not have the money, go find yourself a loyal boyfriend with a nice car!! Hahaha >:p

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Miss Sister Italy 2008

I got this from my high school [STELLA DUCE 1] mailing list.
Can't believe what i read

Beauty Pageant for Nuns? For REAL?

Read the article:

AFP - Sunday, August 24 03:25 pm
ROME (AFP) - The first beauty pageant for nuns debuts next month with the advent of "Miss Sister Italy," aimed at erasing a stereotype of nuns as being old and sad, a newspaper reported Sunday.

"Nuns are above all women and beauty is a gift from God," priest Antonio Rungi of the southern Italian diocese of Modragone told the daily Corriere della Sera.

"This contest will be a way to show there isn't just the beauty we see on television but also a more discrete charm," he added.

Nuns wishing to participate in the contest should send their picture to Rungi, who will publish it on his blog. Internet surfers can then vote for their favorite nun online.

"You really think all nuns are old, stunted and sad? This isn't the case any more, thanks to the arrival in our country of young and vital nuns," notably from Africa and Latin America, Father Rungi added.

The idea of organizing a beauty pageant had been pushed by the nuns themselves, he said, adding he expected roughly 1,000 candidates.

"I hope the next (pageant) won't just take place online but that we can organize a real show that can take place during the Miss Italy contest," Rungi said.

- - -

Father Rungi, what message are you trying to convey? That nuns can be fun?
I say: Nuns are NOT suppose to be FUN.

Nuns suppose to be motherly, nurturing, rigid, devoted, and orthodox. Maybe they can be flexible, but no indication of FUN. I know this by heart after spending my entire school years in Catholic school - especially those wonderful 3 years at STECE 1 [girls only] and its dorm - surrounded by nuns...

What do you say?

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Monday, September 15, 2008

Mohon maaph lahir batin

Saya suka lupa klo bulan ini bulan puasa.

Weekend 2x maen ke Senayan, 2x berpakaian agak2 provocative [baca: kurang enak dipandang sama yang lagi puasa]. Hari sabtu bajunya agak2 tipis2 see-through gimanaaa gitu... lagi kepanasan soalnya. Hari minggu pake celana super pendek hasil jarahan di karawaci [it's all your fault, Ck! but i love it] pamer paha saya segede gaban itu. Bolak-balik nyebrang2 ps-senci.. Bawa2 koper dan bucks. hum.. kok kynya pada ngeliatin ya. ups, mungkin celananya agak kependekan, orang2 jadi pada sakit mata LOL


Anyway, Ck showed me some photos of UGE - alias Ujung Genteng.
Ini ada foto2 yang nemu di google:

Bagus juga. Yak bagi orang-orang yang sempat saya beritahu tapi tidak percaya bahwa tempat dengan nama sedemikian rupa eksis, percayalah! Ini lokasinya katanya di daerah Pelabuhan Ratu masih kesonoan lagi dah. Ke pelabuhan ratu aja blom pernah saya. Hehe.. can't wait to go there ;) Sampai detik ini baru terkumpul... 8 orang. Only the crazy/freak/weirdo/loco can join. Too bad my loco girlfriends are nowhere to be found in jakarta.
Ada yang mau daftar?

Ah, ngomongin soal Ck... tiba-tiba timbul hasrat buat ngenalin Ck ke Cz. Entah kenapa... Mungkin... kayanya bakalan seru *evil thoughts* wonder if Cz is available.

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Chuck Bass a.k.a The Bad Boy

Two words.

Chuck Bass.

Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *drooling* :p~~~
I have loved him from the very first episode of Gossip Girl [tv series].
He's pure evil. He's lust-driven. He's ever arrogant. He's ever self-content.
All in one - BAD BOY with style.

The character itself is played by Ed Westwick, 21 year old [born June 27, 1987 - cancer people rules!], a British guy. For the role of Chuck Bass, he has to convert his accent into American. Wonder how sexy he will be, speaking with British accent :p~

Pff... doesn't BAD BOY turn you ON?

- - -
Just this from EOh boy oh boy.. how you make me drool!

Muaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaach to E!

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Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Just got this.

"girls in their twenties whom outside their home puts on a lively face, but as soon they get home, they change into their shirts and their hair are tied up like a samurai-type topknot, and they might even scratch their ass. snack in one hand, and canned beer in the other. on weekends they don’t go to blind dates, when they don’t have work they eat and sleep and eat and sleep and not a single guy around them.

sounds like.. me?

well, the "term" is used in Hotaru no Hikari ホタルノヒカリ or Glow of Fireflies.
The story seems to be interesting. Mau nonton ah :D

- - - -
mood update.
I need a great dose of FPM.
Somebody help me...

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Sunday, September 07, 2008

A wedding, some good calls, and some very distrubing calls

Saturday, September 6. It's 7 something. Ratna, a friend from Bali, called. Giving me some tips for my upcoming event. Then it's almost 8 when Niels, a friend from Holland, called. WTF is he doing up so late [it's around 3am in Holland]. He claimed to have trouble sleeping. So, he's coming to Indo soon. Yay! It means i will get some things from C and also from Niels. Right Niels schat? ^^

I canceled my appointment with Ck to go to Gading and went to a cousin's wedding instead - together with my mom, sis, and another cousin. The reception was held in King restaurant - next to ibu Dibyo [ticketing] in Cikini. The wedding united two different families from two different cultures, Batak and Chinese.

Way back before the wedding was held, the Batak family was quite hesitated because of the differences and how would the Batak family accept her soon-to-be Chinese husband. I remember her referred to how my mom stood up, decided to be together with my dad, and survive the cultural differences, etc [way way back at my mom's time] till now. I actually shed a little tear there, just a little.

The reception was hectic, people eating and stuff... got me so confused >.<' The bride (kakak Elta) and the groom (koko Bani) looked so happy. The groom was so funny - especially during the wedding kiss xoxoxo. The food was all right; fortunately, the crowd was even more delicious than the food :P Banyak yang lucu [as i texted B] - ada yang botak menggemaskan, ada yang gondrong kewl, ada yang jabrik-jabrik berlesung pipi, even ada yang bergaya ala vanness [minus the goatie]!!! hohoho lumayan cuci mata sejenak XD

So after the dinner, and the flower toss [NO NO i didn't try to get the flower! am not a big fan of weddings], and the photo session, we said goodbye to families we know. Some tante i never know tell me, with a pressure, that I should marry a Batak. I smiled away. Dalam hati saya langsung berteriak, "Najis! OGAH OGAH! Gak Mau! Cukup!" - no offense to the Batak people, I just don't appreciate if people I don't know suddenly tell me what to do with my life.

I slept too much yesterday that the insomnia really kicked me last night. After watching 3 eps of Gossip Girl [Season 1] with my sis, still i couldn't get some sleep. And by the time i can actually close my eyes [2am, maybe...], RING RING... my sis bf called. JEEZZ! my sis left her mobile on my room. I discarded the call, and tried to get to sleep again.

I did sleep. Till some time around 6. RING. Another call from my sis bf. And another. and another. As if that was not enough, another guy setting his call as private number call me on and off and on and off this morning. Wrong number, dude!! JEEEEEEZZZZ it was really annoying. It goes on and on from 6 to 9. Bayangkan betapa menyebalkannya orang tak dikenal itu!

To redeem my anger, I spent lots of money buying lots of food in carrefour today. Happy now.
Fooooooood =^.^=

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Friday, September 05, 2008

Want to know Jesus? Read this.

I actually never even think that there are such books!

There's "For Dummies" series, rite? the one to guide you to the web, the one to help you repair your car, etc etc. But what Nv and I found few days ago last week on Kinokuniya shelf were quite amazing!
Take a good look. Pics are courtesy of nv, with a little help from my hands. [Read his side of the story]

The Historical Jesus for Dummies!

Are we human too dumb to understand Jesus? LOL
Btw, i think there's another one about "Bible for Dummies" :P

And then we found another one, The Complete IDIOT’s Guide to Jesus. This one's even better! They even put on little boxes about W.W.J.D (What Would Jesus Do) and W.W.J.K (What Would Jesus Know). And since Jesus had lots of "nicknames" back then, they also put "His name is Jesus, a.k.a.". Hilarious, you think?

The Complete IDIOT’s Guide to Jesus!!

I think these book can be both useful and destructive - especially for those who really seeks for the Divine, the One, the Almighty. I myself prefer to be blinded with my faith, try to read the bible in which story i could never understand, try to live the live God's has given although, most of the time, is incomprehensible. However, you can still buy me these books. I am a dumb and an idiot anyway when it comes to God and his mysterious ways of working hehe :)
I do have a little side story about me meeting one religious guy...

* Mood update - - -
Am delighted. After several weeks, I can chat again with B and C. B just got back from her road trip [home, tan, fat - she said. uhm... sounds like my stat last week! hahaha], all exhausted and clingly - experiencing what Lina's experiencing. We're separated, yet we share same experience [see how connected we are? it's kinda freaky]. C's confused for her indecisice job interviewer... she need to be patient, life after school is though there.

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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Get yourself a life!

Tadi Lina telpon.
Gak sopan... tiba2 bilang, "ini lagi di bandara di jakarta. baru aja sampe."

Dan dengan serentak kukatakan, "Haih! Bohong banget!"
Setelah bohong2 beberapa saat, akhirnya dia ngaku juga klo dia gak lagi di jakarta.

Lina is one of my inner circle friends; who i can always run to when i need some logical explanations of life and love; who i can always depend on to SLAP me, wake me up to face the real world [I tend to daydream a lot!!]. We usually cheers each other up, and sometimes despise each other. This time, she's feeling down - thus she kind of needs my "guidance".

Life is OZ is not as grand as the one we had in NL. We grow older [but maybe not wiser]; we got separated... hmm... 3 continents.

It can be said that we live a remotely different life than we're used to, with all the challenges and obstacles in between - all of which we have to face on our own; no more trusted friends around. Sometimes, somehow... a life like that could be hard... and frustrating. Actually, that's why i "ran" to Bali to see Indah last month - to clear my head, and maybe gain new perspective, besides meeting Indah of course :)

Thus a getaway is a good thing to do at certain point of one's life. Out of the house, out of town, out of the country - all depends on one's budget. Well, she said that she is planning to go to Sdyney this week. That'll be a nice treat :)

Living a life with an "EVIL FORCE" of people being couples all the time can also be damaging, if not infectious... To me, it's quite damaging [uhm that's why i said "evil force" - believe me, i will not turn to one of girl who devotes her whole life for "couple" romances and thus forgets her surroundings]. Apparently, my friend feels the same way too. Ha Ha Ha.. Do whatever you feel darling. Get drunk, get wasted, get laid - I encourage you!!
[well, i should do the same :p]

No, don't follow my outrageous advice.

But you can consider this, my friend[s]: WRITE your story - share it so that you wont feel so alone.
Sometime in the future, go read your writings again [and you may weep].
Then stand up on your own two feet for you had passed those dark times.
The things that don't kill will only make you stronger.
Life is all about choices, dear - whether you want to continue weeping OR to decide to be tough, it's up to you.

P.S. am still waiting for a call from B, yang sampe detik ini ditungguin tapi blom telpon2! Gak sopan!! Nv juga gak kirim2in lagunya hadoh gak sopan juga! Cz juga nulis namaku salah pula, gak sopan juga!

- - -

Just got in, got it from C: Wow, Kondom Bisa Obati Jerawat!

Kondom tak hanya berfungsi sebagai alat kontrasepsi loh. Kondom juga bisa berfungsi untuk kecantikan. Misalnya menghilangkan jerawat.

Kondom biasanya dilengkapi dengan cairan pelumas. Cairan pelumas itulah yang digunakan oleh perempuan-perempuan Kamboja untuk mengatasi jerawat yang tumbuh di wajah mereka. Seorang konsumen kondom dengan merek One Plus produksi Population Services International (PSI) menyatakan hal tersebut kepada AFP. Adalah Kenny Vanny, perempuan 29 tahun dari Phonm Penh, Kamboja yang mengungkapkan pengalamannya memakai kondom sebagai obat jerawat.

Menurut Kenny, dengan mengusapkan cairan pelumas kondom ke jerawat, maka dalam 3 hari jerawat itu akan mengering dan tidak berbekas. "Ini sangat efektif. Beberapa orang mungkin tak mempercayainya, tapi orang-orang yang telah melakukannya mendapatkan hasil yang luar biasa," ujarnya seperti dikutip detikhot dari Health24, Selasa (2/9/2008).

Sedangkan pihak PSI belum mengeluarkan pendapatnya mengenai masukan konsumen yang mengatakan bahwa produknya dapat digunakan sebagai produk kecantikan. Menurut Anda apakah kondom efektif sebagai obat jerawat?

KYAA! ada yang mau coba? XD

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