*update October 14here's the photos ;)Facebook Album - Ujung Genteng Part 1
Facebook Album - Ujung Genteng Part 2
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Ujung Genteng was a blast, out-of-my-world experience!
I went there with 10 other people, 9 of which i never knew or even met before.
Pergi tanggal 29 Sept malam dari Jakarta, semobil berempat saja. Tujuan pertama ke
Bogor untuk bertemu dengan teman-teman baru saya. Setelah makan tengah malam, berangkatlah kita.. 1 mobil dan 6 motor ke
Ujung Genteng alias
Uge yang terletak jauh di pesisir selatan pulau Jawa bagian barat. Pelabuhan Ratu masih jauh ke sananya lagi, katanya. Akhirnya, setelah melalui perjalanan panjang yang berliku-liku, sekitar jam 5/6 pagi sampailah rombongan jakarta-bogor di Uge.
Kami ramai-ramai bermukim di rumah penduduk di kawasan
Cibuaya. Kok bisa rumah penduduk? Anak-anak Bogor ini memang sering bolak-balik maen ke Uge, jadilah mereka mengenal penduduk setempat yang bersedia menyewakan tempat tingal murah. Saking letihnya karena perjalanan, langsung kami mengambil posisi masing-masing, bergeletakkan di kasur dan di lantai, tidur selama beberapa jam. Selama beberapa hari jadwal tidur kami memang kacau balau hahahahaha.. namanya juga
perjalanan/petualangan :D
We spent 4 days and 3 nights swimming in various beaches in and out off the woods with several scars as proofs, catching big big waves in Pangumbahan, drinking and drinking, smoking and "smoking", yelling vulgaric utterings out loud, laughing down to our cores, seeing sea turtle, collecting falling stars in the beautiful clear night sky [i got two stars btw, haven't wish on any of them...], etc etc :) Far from Jakartan civilization - we left our mobiles at home, no internet, and just a little bit of tv feed. Actually, it was good!
The road to
Ombak Tujuh and
Cikepu beach, two of the secluded beaches were quite a challenge! Good that these boys are very professional with motorbikes since they have been to those places several times now that they managed to bring us girls there, safe and sound and happy, too. I rode there with Erdman aka chomeng aka mongki aka cimenk aka akang ojek. Crazy was when we were rolling down the hill with no brake... passing dry-sharpy plants with speed! Wohoooo! I got my self several scars during the journey hahahaha But soon after you see the beautiful beach and the scenery, you know that it's all worthy.
Cikepu - cool water, heavy streamThe people. Uhm, i prefer to call most of them as my friends after this Uge journey...
Ck [already a friend of mine],
Ari Bwangkong [which i just found out that she's E's friend on fb!],
Yanto yang seperti Joker,
Ruben si penyu terdampar [lol the guy is so funny. A polar bear too, just like Yk],
Erdman Chomeng,
Dede Michelle, and
Koko Andre :) Ah! This guy, ko Andre.. is an available bachelor! Well behave, straight edge, smart, kind, and good looking. Girls.. go get him! :D
Anyone caught my eyes? Yes sure ;) This one guy i kinda like is the most impossible of all [somehow, i always drawn to impossible thing], a bad boy indeed. Haha.. Bad boy does turn me on! Yet somehow i can see his hidden soft characteristic. Well,
B said, "Now you got your own Chuck Bass, Chinese version." Wahahahahhahah.. not really a chuck-bass, but yes.. that's a good comparison :P
Brought home both good and bad memories from Uge - well.. mostly good :) Wish we could stay for several more days, but jobs and other stuffs are waiting back home. A good thing tho, because we need to freshen up before heading toward our usual activity.
Today i got back home at 9pm. Sejujurnya, saya sangat letih... dan lapar [sial gara2 nv ngomong makan bakso! gak sopan] dan sangat hitam dan dekil [4 hari di Uge itemnya ngalah2in itemnya 10 hari di bali!]. Tapi saking kangennya sama internet jadilah ngendon dulu beberapa jam di depan kompie.
Looking forward for next Uge experience!
But meanwhile, Bandung is waiting hahaha... rite, ck?
Labels: friends, life happens, travel addict, UGe community, Ujung Genteng