Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Love = Bad Stain

Love is like a bad stain that stays.

i mean... well, you know what i mean...

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Friday, July 24, 2009

Bahasa SMS ABG masa kini

W mw dUnkz jLn br9 u lgeeh. cuZ U co P1 yg pLin9 w caYnk. Ugh cN3nkh de9h kLo u dtG k hum W. Rsx w 9 mw dtgal u c.

Hayoo, ada yang bisa mengartikan kalimat di atas?

YuPz u cMua pStix biNun n pSynk!

Semakin lama dilihat semakin bikin brain damage ya?
HAHAHAHA... begitulah "kreativitas" ABG masa kini [baca: tahun 2008-2009]. Mengapa aku bilang "kreatif"? Karena mereka berhasil mengelabui dan membuat bingung orang-orang kebanyakan [baca: orang tua dll yang umurnya setidaknya, mungkin, 6 tahun di atas mereka] dengan "bahasa sandi" mereka.

Entah darimana asal muasal tulisan dan pengejaan tersebut. Diajarin di sekolah? Ya gak mungkin lah! Diajarin di rumah? Boro-boro bonyoknya ngerti barang beginian.

Yang jelas, virus ini menular dari satu anak ke anak yang lain. Motifnya apa? Status kreatif-asik-gaul kah? Tidak juga ah. Bahasa gaul itu macam lekong, curcol, meneketehe, CDMA masih cukup lumrah lah untuk kalangan AGJ [baca: anak GAOOOL Jakarta] dan penghuni-penghuni kebanyakan. Tapi kalau bahasa SMS macam ini mah bukan bahasa gaul. BAHASA PLANET!

Beberapa kali teman-temanku bingung pabila mendapat sms ala ABG. Disodorkanlah mobile mereka padaku... dengan tampang berkerut dan bibir sedikit menganga. "Coba baca deh, maksudnya apa sih?" Mulailah aku memasuki rimba sms, mencoba menerjemahkan.

Aku cNdiRi juga bingung dengan CaPitaL-aBusE dan num3r1c-4bu5e yang dipergunakan. Apa gak pegel yah itu jempolnya? Namun apa boleh buat, kita-kita yang sudah lebih dewasa [sebagai kakak, atau pun sebagai orang tua] harus lebih jago alias gape alias pinter alias smart dUnKs untuk menganalisa dan menterjemahkan "bahasa sandi" tertera di atas. At least, we know what they're talking about, right? ;)

Lucky me, adik kecilku ga ketularan virus sms-maniac ini!

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Monday, July 20, 2009

The long weekend of the birthday girl

No. I am not going to show empathy for the blast victim of Kuningan that happened several days ago. Lots of people and media have done that for them. I have also put on Indonesian flag on my Twitter avatar >> how to? #indonesiaunite <<


July 18 - The day before the D-day
Too bad i couldn't be at Rannu's weeding in Bali. It's a little too much to ask for such a short notice. I did not have the money :P Anyway, Happy Birthday and Happy Wedding, Rannu!

But i did go to someone's weeding. My friend, Ruben, was going to play with his band on someone's wed in Bogor. Unplanned, i joined him along with Chikha and Zee. Ari was not around because she's having a weekend trip to Jogja [argh%^&@&*!!]. With a little makeover on the clothing section... [to be honest, we - Zee and i - were not prepared at all] voila! we became a "part" of the band! Good music and good food. Extremely good Zup-a-soup! and a glass of Heineken to top it off!

After the wed, we found it too difficult to lay off the night. So we decided to have a sneak peek at Public. Little that we knew that that was the last opening night for Public!!! They have closed Embassy, Wonder bar, etc. Public was the last one to go. The lot will be replaced with apartment. Too bad :(

With a little confidence, we walked to the entrance. Oops! It was invitation only kinda party! I worked on my innocent face and talked it out with the bouncer.. and voila! we were in! :D
Well, we only stayed there for an hour or so. Just needed the loud music and the dance/night life ambiance that haven't been felt for quite some time. "Happy birthday" hugs and kisses were given when the clock passed 00.00. oh yeah!

July 19 - The ups and downs
Started a little early in the morning. Went to church with my mom, although it's not my ideal time to pray. With an extremely sleepy head (!!!), i crashed again as soon as i got home. On my mobile, some friends sent "happy birthday" texts... very kind of them.

Still with an extremely sleepy head and not really a fine mood [since i've been waiting for certain people's wishes...], Chikha Ruben and Zee crashed my room with a cake, shouting Happy Birthday out loud! Kyaaaaaaaaa... that was the sweetest thing! *terharu - blurry eyes* T.T I shed my growing tears and sincerely thanked them :)

>> hopefully i can upload the cake's pic soon! <<

We said a little pray, ate the birthday cake together, then ate (this eating thing went continuously) lalapan with sambal and chicken my mom made, then ate more cake while watching Penelope. When we went to Karawaci to (originally) accompany Chikha to go on air, we (with no purpose at all!) ended eating more cakes and bakso :P More eating in the midnite... sipping fresh advocado juice and eating Nasi Goreng Keju Korned alias Juned! I never thought that we would ate so much that day!

A dear friend whose call/text have been awaited the whole day finally called me around 22.00. Two more hours to go, then i will not forgive you, girl!!! But another loved one failed to remember my birthday, as always :'(

July 20 - The closing time
The initial plan was to go to Blitz and watched Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! There was no line up for the day. Well almost all of friends have watched HP 6 on the weekend. We watched in Auditorium1, the big one. The place reminds me of Pathe, the grote zaal, and my movie adventure back in Holland. Anyway, the movie ticket worth the price of IDR 50,000 - a price that's considered quite high for Indonesian. A little note about the movie: Hermione's hair is getting better, i guess she uses hair mousse now. And Ginny.. she's taller than Harry!

The plan was accomplished with no harm done :) and I am so happy! Just a movie, a plate of Hoka-Hoka Bento, and a little chit chat before we all went home. Too bad Ari, you weren't there.
It was a lovely way to spend a long weekend, indeed.

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Age Difference in (sexual) Relationships

What is standard age gap in relationship?

Pria suka wanita yang lebih muda. Wanita suka pria yang lebih tua. Itu pada umumnya.

Tapi kenyataan berkata, "tunggu dulu, jaman sudah berubah!".
Wong Demi Moore saja bisa mendapatkan Ashton Kutcher yang (OMG!) 16 tahun lebih muda, dan mereka hidup bahagia saja tuh. Yang paling sensasional memang tetap Anna Nicole Smith yang menikah dengan J. Howard Marshall, yang ehem.. 63 tahun lebih tua.

Saya seringkali menonton film-film ataupun serial tv yang mengangkat issue "wanita dengan pasangan pria muda". Kisah-kisah seperti ini memang tidak biasa. Misalnya film The Graduate (Ben & Mrs. Robinson!), Something's Gotta Give (Erica & Julian), Prime (Rafi & David), I could never be Your Woman (Rosie & Adam), atau serial tv semacam Lipstick Jungle (Nico & Kirby) dan Sex and the City (Samantha & Smith). More...

Nico & Kirby
Where can i find a 25-year-old like Kirby?

Ada satu persamaan dalam film-film tersebut: Sang wanita pastilah seorang yang strong, independent, dan sucess dalam karir! Sang pria? biasanya, mereka pria-pria yang masih merintis karir dan belum terlalu mandiri. Scenario pun tertebak.. sepertinya pria-pria ini menggunakan sang wanita untuk mendongkrak karir mereka! HA!

Eits, tapi.. tunggu dulu. Tidak semuanya kok begitu. Ada pula yang memang dengan tulus hati mencintai sang wanita :) Well, at least on those movies.. the men sincerely love the women.

Personally, saya tidak terlalu suka dengan pria yang lebih tua. They scare the hell out of me! Bahkan untuk berteman sekalipun. Saya memilih pria yang sebaya, malah mungkin lebih muda hehe :) Namun seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, saya sudah mulai (sedikit) terbuka mengenai hal ini.

Beberapa teman laki-laki saya pacaran dengan anak-anak abg. Sepupu yang seumur dengan saya menikah dengan pria yang 15-16 tahun lebih tua. Dan setelah ditelusuri lebih jauh, ternyata oom-oom saya menikah dengan wanita yang 10-15 tahun lebih muda. Wooo... mungkin sekarang saya bisa (sedikit) lebih longar akan age difference, tapi kalau dipikir-pikir sih tetap ngeri sendiri!

Setelah check di internet, ternyata ada loh rumusnya:
Wikipedia says, The "half-your-age-plus-seven rule" is a rule of thumb used by some in Western cultures defining a mathematical formula to judge whether the age difference in an intimate relationship is socially acceptable. Mathematically speaking, the rule is:

Setidaknya sekarang kita bisa menge-check, apakah pasangan kita "ketuaan" atau "kemudaan".
Kalau ternyata tidak masuk ke dalam rumus tersebut, coba saja perhatikan fenomena ini:
* Chronophilia is a general term, applied to any age-related preference that is outside their own age group.
* Ephebophilia is the attraction of older individuals to adolescents.
* Hebephilia is the attraction of older individuals to pubescent youths.
* Pedophilia is the attraction of older individuals to pre-adolescents.
[Pedophilia mungkin term yang paling familiar di telinga kita]
* Infantophilia is the attraction of older individuals to small children (ages ranging from 0-5).
* Gerontophilia is the attraction of non-elderly individuals to the elderly.

Fakta lain lagi yang saya dapat malah mengisahkan template pernikahan yang dialami warga Sami (preindustrial Finland). Artikel dari Scientific American menulis, "Men should marry a woman almost 15 years their junior to maximize their chances of having the most offspring that survive."

Aneh ya?

Lebih lanjut lagi,
Yet, only 10 percent of these marriages were between men and women with that optimal age difference. The span ranged from men marrying women as much as 20 years older to women marrying men as much as 25 years older; the average age difference between husband and wife was three years.
Other research in modern day Sweden has shown that the ideal reproductive match is for a man to marry a woman six years his junior. But the cultural constraints on marriage may have changed. "Wealth was the most important factor in a [Sami] marriage," Helle notes. "Love played almost no role in it."

Very classic.

Now, can i date Daniel Radclife?

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Monday, July 13, 2009

Music hook-up: Gotye

Gotye is my recent music hook-up.

I first heard his music from Gossip Girl Season 2 Episode 23, the ending part.

Felt so curious about his electric extraordinaire vocal, i browsed and found "Gotye". The name's very unusual, very European; sounds like "Gaultier" in French with a false writing.

Again, i looked up for his music on youtube to connect to his enchanting song, Heart's a Mess; the music video was also very 'semiotic' - symbolic and such. Listen to it carefully, close your eyes... you mind will be drawn into some kind of alternate realm where everything is both odd and soothing, especially when you get to the short yet crisp harp playing. He combined the instruments beautifully, strengthen with his unique vocalization. A solid touch indeed.

Here's what i dig from Wikipedia about Gotye:
Wouter De Backer (born 21 May 1980). Born in Belgium and then raised in Australia, Walter (as he is more commonly called) has been making music since his teens, first in moody local rock band Downstares, a fixture at underage shows in the North-East suburbs of Melbourne for a few years. When that band dissolved Wally started focusing on his solo project, cut'n'paste tunes that eventually would come under the moniker of 'Gotye'. (Dutch pronunciation: [ɡoːtijeː]).

He's cool. and talented. multi-talented. and i instantly love him.
And since love and happiness are only real when shared, i shall share his musics here.

Gotye - Heart's a Mess

Gotye - Coming Back

Gotye - Out here in the Cold

Gotye - Thanks For Your Time

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Thursday, July 02, 2009

a sneak peek of Ingrid's new song

Anybody know Ingrid Michaelson?
She's one of my favourite artists.

Anyway, here's a new demo song from her. I got the feed from her twitter update today ;)

Walk Away

I was there to comfort you
to tell you things that were not true
like love and how its always here and never goes
so don’t you fear

but i really know that forevers they come and go
so i hold on tight to letting go
because i don't know when this,
when this, love will walk away.

i am here to see us fall
to see us slide right down the wall
i give up and take on something new
take on someone who is just like you

Deep and beautiful lyric as always...
Wanna take a peek of the new song?
Just go to her blog

Cant wait for her new album to come out!

Makes me wanna say something romantic like:
I like the way your fingers run through my hairs...
hehehe :)

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